When it comes to business insurance we know that a commercial combined policy is a cost effective way to protect all aspects of business risk. Our comprehensive policies are tailored to your individual company needs and typically include cover for:
- Employer’s liability – Which protects the staff in the event of accident during the course of their work. The cover applies to both full and part time employment
- Public liability – This protects the company in the event of a claim resulting from injury of the general product on the company’s premises
- Product liability – Covers the company in the event of a claim resulting from defective products
- Property damage protects the business in terms of:
Fixtures and fittings
Destruction and damage - Business interruption – This element of the policy is to cover loss of profit after being unable to trade after property damage
Buttigieg Insurance Brokers Limited is a company that is regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority to enable it to transact the business of insurance broking under the Insurance Intermediaries Act, 2006.
Contact us to get a competitive no obligation business insurance quote.
We can be contacted by email on insurance@butigieg.com.mt or call us on+356 21802298 |+356 21895833 to speak directly to one of our qualified staff, or use the call back form below to tell us the best time to call you back